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Technical Steering Committee

The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) is the leadership of the pq-code-package project. It's role is to:

  • Set the overall strategy of the project ie across all our algorithm implementations & supporting subprojects
  • Liase with the PQCA TAC providing feedback and raising issues and concerns
  • resolve any issues within the project community


The TSC is open to everyone to contribute.

Voting members

There are specific voting members as agreed at the initial TSC. These are:

TSC Lead

The TSC lead is Nigel Jones


Meetings are open to everyone, but only TSC members may vote.

Minutes and recordings will generally be made available. If you are concerned about recording or minutes this may be noted, and recording/minuting then suspended for the appropriate discussion.

Issue Tracking

The tsc repo is used to track discussions and actions at the TSC.